Thursday, December 19, 2013

Economia y Negocios Globales: Empresarios no van a despedir a trabajadores si ha...

Economia y Negocios Globales: Empresarios no van a despedir a trabajadores si ha...: El Libertador  /  Opinión Empresarios no van a despedir a trabajadores si hay reforma tributaria  Bernardo Javalquinto |  Fecha de ...

Empresarios no van a despedir a trabajadores si hay reforma tributaria

Empresarios no van a despedir a trabajadores si hay reforma tributaria

 Bernardo Javalquinto | Fecha de Edición: 19-12-2013

Hace un tiempo se publicó un artículo que escribí, en un diario nacional, el cual se titulaba “Los empresarios no van a despedir trabajadores si aumenta el sueldo mínimo”. Ese era el debate del momento y los empresarios con nuestros representantes aun siguen en el debate y hoy repito lo mismo. Solo que digo que los empresarios no van a despedir a los trabajadores si hay una reforma tributaria.

Si lo hicieran, demostrarían el poco conocimiento que tienen respecto del daño que le crean a la economía en su totalidad. Primero, el daño social y psicológico que causan a las familias y al personal que despiden. Las empresas dejan de crecer y ser productivas, porque tienen menos mano de obra y tercero, hay que tener un dedo de frente para entender que el capital humano es lo más importante en las empresas. Y con el salario mínimo es lo mismo, si tan solo pensaran que si subieran el salario mínimo el consumo aumentaría y todos se beneficiarían, los empresarios más que ninguno.

Podría enumerar muchas otras causas, por las que nos beneficiaríamos con algunos cambios que necesita el modelo económico; pero aun hay sectores que no entienden que hacer el bien es parte de la evolución humana. Pero la más importante de todas es que se dañan a sí mismos y a todas las personas que compran sus productos sacrificando el bien y el progreso persiguiendo su beneficio propio a costa de la gente que necesita sustentar a sus familias y tener una sociedad justa y respetuosa.

Me pregunto, si Nelson Mandela fue capaz de perdonar a sus captores que lo privaron de libertad y si nuestra próxima presidenta también lo hizo... Perdonar  para avanzar y progresar, pero no olvidar. El mundo ha tenido la capacidad de entender que la distribución justa de los ingresos, es parte de la economía y si no entendemos esto, difícilmente vamos a ser un país desarrollado. Hoy, todo lo que necesitamos es que de una vez por todas, la gente deje el egoísmo, el individualismo y todos los vicios que trae consigo la avaricia por tener cada día más sin ayudar al prójimo.

En lo que a mi concierne, no me parece justo que exista esa diferencia tan grande entre lo que ganan los parlamentarios y lo que reciben quienes realmente hacen el trabajo productivo del país. Si el resto del mundo, está trabajando para que el planeta sea más justo, ¿por qué nosotros como país no podemos hacerlo? Debo recordar, que Singapur en 20 años ha logrado lo que nosotros no hemos podido en más de 200 años porque si de cultura se trata realmente cada día retrocedemos mucho más de lo que avanzamos. Sólo basta ver los programas de televisión y escuchar las conversaciones de los jóvenes para ver que de cultura es bastante poco lo que saben. ¿Entonces, quiénes son los responsables de que tengamos un país desarrollado?

Thursday, December 12, 2013

First School of Social Business

First School of Social Business
When studying economics at the University of Maryland, one of my courses in economic development was required to read a book by Professor Yunus, called "towards a world without poverty." Since that day, he called my attention and the way in which he had realized that microfinance was the only solution to eradicate poverty in developing countries. As my father, and all my family we were always taught, from childhood not allow poverty if we could avoid it, reading this book made a huge impression on me. Having finished studying economics in college, I started working immediately at the World Bank, where I had the opportunity to meet Professor Yunus, because it gave lectures during lunch hour (Brown Bag Lunches), where staff  at the hour of lunch use and still go to hear experts to discuss relevant world issues, with the talks he stated that large projects could not eradicate poverty in the world, because the money never reached the poor, and that the World Bank, should consider this new approach of microfinance that he was developing and that money was going directly to the poor without a collateral involved. I was always talking with my colleagues, and I really found it fascinating how much adversity he had to go through to make this happen and convert him in the authority that is in the world today. I think that there is no other person on the planet who has received so many awards and many Doctorates’ “Honoris Causa” worldwide. He really made ​​me question myself in staying at the World Bank and finally, when I took the decision to return to Chile in order to use all my knowledge, and help eradicate poverty. I did stop working from the bank for the rich and begin to work for the Bank of the Poor. The first Latin American microfinance seminar in which Professor Yunus was invited, but could not attend was organized in 1997. So I did sent an email asking, if he would send someone to represent him. Indeed, he did send the second in command of the Grameen Bank (bank for the poor) a public eminence in Bangladesh and very close to Professor Yunus. Dr. Khalid Shams, also a Ph.D. in Economics and basically one of the people of more confidence that Prof. Yunus had. When he arrived in Chile, the was immediately a relationship of great empathy between us, and he gave me almost a complete library as the bank worked the poor, inviting in fact to become a member of the Editorial Board of the Grameen Bank Dialogue, representing Chile in the Directory. After that day I was called to teach microfinance everywhere and how was this new model that Professor Yunus had created. I spent a long time explaining the model, but the truth of it, was a waste of time, because all the people saw it, as a means of earning money through this model. In summary, Yunus never recognized any entity in Chile because they were not doing and replicating the model, he did ask to each institution, foundation or however they wanted to call themselves. Doing things their way I would say in all Latin America at its cost and that was, that the Peace Nobel Prize never recognize in our country and other countries any institution dedicated to microfinance. For my end, I dedicated myself to go in Latin America giving talks and lectures on rural economic development based on the methodologies of Yunus. This made the Argentine Senate recognize my work twice giving me an award for the work done in Latin America for microfinance and economic development by injecting value added to countries and regions in Latin-American. But in Chile for more than I wanted to achieve the eradication of poverty, and these methodologies or remedies, it was impossible. I must admit I felt very frustrated as people closed the doors everywhere for me, and Yunus always wondered that he could not understand how it was that such a rich country as ours we gave ourselves the luxury of having poor people in the country. The truth of things, I was ashamed to give much of an answer to him, because all I could say was that the greed of our people that was so great, that there was no economic or political will to end poverty. Having the ability to do so and having the chance to be the first country in the world to realize such an important achievement. A pride that we must go through, with the individualism, and selfishness of many people not only in Chile but in many countries in the world. In fact, one day a big businessmen summit was organized Portillo an exclusive place for the rich and in the end, it just wanted to capitalize on the achievements of Yunus to say that they were doing it too. It was such a hassle that I wrote to him and told him not to come and that it was better to help the people of Haiti rather to come and take pictures with employers who exploit Chileans. Notwithstanding all the difficulties, I did continue to work in Chile and among other options I started plan “B” and one of them was, that the only way to overcome underdevelopment was investing in value added , i.e. investing in research, development and innovation in our country. So I started to do battle with another strategy. So it comes the second round and here is a little history in Chile, of the outcome of it. "The Center for Innovation Technology Development Latino Americano (CIDTEL), the idea was to create a small Silicon Valley, we all know that the need for all countries must add value to develop the areas of Research, Development and Innovation (R + D + i ) the magic formula that still is not understood in less develop nations and less much less understood in underdeloped nations to become and be able to a give the jump to become a developed country. Under that order, CIDTEL began looking for a place to settle and partners to support it. The first choice was a university campus in a small town of Rengo, Chile, where there was abandoned, we thought this is the place and by all means we did get a loan in Dubai, United Arab Emirates for USD$ 33MM to start the project and try to establish a benchmark in Latin America, calling on all national and international actors to participate. The first institution to supported us was a highly and respected financial analyst from Hawaii, Randy Havre he also an academic at the University of Hawaii got the support, then Prof. Maital from the Israel Institute of Technology, then McGill University in Canada, with the help of Professor Firas Alhafidh Director of department of continuing studies, and the Yunus Centre in Bangladesh by professor Yunus himself. The letter offered support us in starting the first MBA program in Social Business, a certificate and a diploma, the first of its kind in the world. Meanwhile, professor Yunus in his letter of support indicates that we will get all the Center support and mentioned in his letter he also hoped that we could create a social fund, for student scholarships Chile and other social assistance. During a long time, dealing with all authorities in the region, scholars, and authorities in public and private sector in the country trying to get ahead with this project, it was impossible, then we tried in the Region of Maule, in Cauquenes and then Parral, without success, so we finally decided to deliver the project in other countries. The first country to pay attention was Bolivia and this project was very enthusiastic and quickly made ​​the impossible possible to develop this initiative from the intangible ta a reality soon. Aquinas University (UDABOL) and political authorities saw it and they said it was the project that they had been waiting to be developed in Bolivia creating a Social Business school (ENS),, which would help eradicate poverty being one of President Evo Morales goals he had as one of his objectives to accomplish in 2025. 's school made every effort in Chile and saw that it was the only way we could achieve this, was to provide for the first time in Bolivia within the legal framework of the constitution and the educational part of CIDTEL was within the mission of the institution CIDTEL, allowing UDABOL handle a Yunus Social Business School (SBS) and/or Escuela de Negocios Yunus (ENS), which could offer certificates, diplomas and MBA in social Business with the support of Yunus Centre and especially UDABOL, supported by government authorities. Thus, an agreement with CIDTEL, with the help of the university was signed, and certificates were offered with the ENS-UDABOL, diplomas and MBA in Social Business. Unfortunately, we did not carry out the project, due to the fact that UDABOL did not follow the procedures and steps necessary to keep the mission of the ENS. We assume, at that moment that the concept is very advanced for Latin American countries, and this can take place in developed countries but and against all odds, we are opening the first School of Social Business (ENS) in,  Constitution Chile, led by Ing. Carlos Francisco Letelier Albornoz, President of the Maule Institute of Technology, or Technical Training Center Maule (CFTM), They have taken an important step in this initiative to support the ideas of Prof. Yunus to solve global social problems. Better yet is the first to issue an MBA in Social Business in the world. This step is historical is the First Social Business MBA that is being issued on the planet. We should feel very proud to be the first (founding fathers) to clone and capture the ideas of Nobel Peace Prize winner Prof. Yunus and clone hundreds of students to eradicate poverty and change the way we do business and make more human the capitalist model that we have. But also it is spreading worldwide. Universities, institutions, organizations and people are joining this cause. Constitution is leaving a legacy to the Maule Region and humanity. This has been a tremendous ordeal, which supported by a wonderful team, and carrying as north in the heart and brain the example of Yunus and many more, we have designed and realized a powerhouse of scientific and technological knowledge, which has been permanent lighthouse to illuminate and forge a new and great destination for young. First Constitution, after Chile and Latin America, and, why not say, in many other parts of the world. All of this huge effort do, obviously invisible to many, is palpable and visible to others, and covers only half of the equation that we have taken into account in the creation of this noble and humanitarian non-profit project. Our concept, every impulse that is aimed at uplifting the human race, would represent by an equation that involves two bodies or defined areas: the first, composed by men and women, and the other by the scientific and technological material that those must learn to wield for their own good and for of all humanity. If, by chance, the most advanced techniques and the perfect knowledge are given properly not to form moral and ethical beings, then science and technology will not be assimilated or, worse, it will be used for purposes dwarfed or disordered to serve as a highly destructive means. Research from various university Centers conclude that, at the fair of human abilities, simply raise the share of working hours and application levels to transcend mediocre violin performer and get to the level of great interpreter. It's all about practice, practice. Of course it is, whenever it tries to merely repeat musical patterns devised, created and performed by others. Continuing with this example, we want to be not only correct interpreters, but also notable creators. Although all respectable, there is a very large average distance between Claudio Arrau, excellent performer and Vivaldi or Mozart interpreters were also above all creators of tracks timeless beauty. We put and equal zeal in structuring the first body of the equation, i.e. the intrinsic perfection of our students, so that they have access to traditional instruction, allowing them to break free of what they are, being dark or obsolete, and become visible all those treasures useless and sleeping inside. It is the proper task of Buonarroti, discarding the chisel that what is left in the block of Carrara marble, gives birth to the Magnificent Moses or David also, ignored, and slept on the stone. In short, we want students who can think who are aware of themselves and turn into real and effective creators. Therefore, the equation will be complete when the learners are also delivered notions of ethics and morality, with courses in philosophy, art, history, human rights, anthropology, environment and many more, then the equation is complete they will to begin to understand Social Business. They all ask, and what is a Social Enterprise? Social enterprise is a cause driven business. In a social business, the investors / owners gradually recover the money invested, but cannot take all the profits and / or any dividend beyond an ethical point. The goal of the investment is purely to achieve one or more social through the operation of the business objectives, no personal gain is desired by investors. The company must cover all costs and make a profit at the same time achieve a social goal, such as quality education, health care for the poor, housing, financial services, awareness in poor nutrition, malnourished children, providing clean drinking water, introducing renewable energy. In a normal way but business must benefit all of us and society. Seven Principles of Social Business: 1. Business goal will be to overcome poverty, or one or more problems (such as education, health, access to technology and environment) which threaten people and society. 2. Financial and economic sustainability 3. Investors recover investment 4. When investment amount and the company profits are amortized stays with the company for expansion and improvement. 5. Environmentally conscious 6. Workforce with better working conditions and higher wages salaries from the Marketplace 7. And, must be it enjoyable.   
The concept of social business, “By defining entrepreneurship in a broader sense we can change the character of capitalism radically” - Prof. Yunus. Make more humane capitalism. In our economic system, there are currently two dominant approaches in organizations. The first is the private sector, where companies sell products or services to make money. However, there are important issues in our society that are not covered in the private sector because it does not offer opportunities for profit. This usually leads to government interventions to create the legal and institutional frameworks to promote the common good and to protect the interests of the weaker members of society. When governments and markets reach their limits, charities can fill the void. The problem is, of course, that the system does not work well enough. We live in a world of terrible injustices and widespread poverty. Governments and charities have the will to improve, but lack the efficiency and capacity of private sector innovation. Why not combine the two sides? We will follow normal business methods to the task of solving social problems such as poverty and create - Social enterprises! It will be a completely new type of doing business. So far it has always been self - centered, founded with the purpose of making money. Unlike traditional business, social business operates for the benefit of social needs that enables companies to operate more efficiently and productive. The social enterprise provides the necessary framework to address social problems by combining know how with the desire to improve the quality of life. Therefore, instead of being self-centered social business has to do with the other. Professor Yunus, Mandela and many others have demonstrated the effectiveness of this new type of business: its clear focus on the eradication of extreme poverty combined with their status as economic sustainability has generated numerous models with incredible growth potential specially protecting the abuses from human rights. Constitution opted to replicate the paradigm that is being applied worldwide. Argentina is next.
VP in Argentina: Lic Edgardo Civit Evans
VP in Chile Ing. Carlos Letelier
Representative in Bolivia: program discontinued for non-compliance of the program
Representative in Colombia: Lic. Julio Gutiérrez

Representative Honduras: Carla Flores Gomez

Economia y Negocios Globales: What Nelson Mandela taught us

Economia y Negocios Globales: What Nelson Mandela taught us: Nelson Mandela is immortal The humanity's legacy that has left us this great man, it shows that if people have the will and power to mak...

What Nelson Mandela taught us

Nelson Mandela is immortal
The humanity's legacy that has left us this great man, it shows that if people have the will and power to make a better world possible, it all depends on what you want to do to have a better wordl, lessons to respect human beings, humble and wise leadership demonstrate that this person will be stopped temporarily, but the legacy he left to humanity, will be remembered and written for centuries to come, because there are few people who make the sacrifices he made to keep peace on earth, his legacy to history and future generations is simply immortal.
Bernardo Javalquinto

Economia y Negocios Globales: Lecciones de Nelson Mandela

Economia y Negocios Globales: Lecciones de Nelson Mandela: Nelson Mandela es inmortal el legado a la humanidad nos ha dejado este gran hombre, demuestra que si la gente tiene la voluntad de hacer un ...

Lecciones de Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela es inmortal
el legado a la humanidad nos ha dejado este gran hombre, demuestra que si la gente tiene la voluntad de hacer un mundo mejor es posible, todo depende de lo que tú quieras hacer para tener un mundo mejor, las enseñanzas al respeto al ser humano, el liderazgo humilde y sensato demuestran que esta persona dejó de existir temporalmente, pero el legado que dejó a la humanidad a ser recordado y escrito por siglos, porque hay pocas personas que hacen los sacrificios que hizo por mantener la paz, su legado a la historia y de las generaciones venideras es simplemente inmortal.
Bernardo Javalquinto

Economia y Negocios Globales: No debemos temer por la economía de nuestro país

Economia y Negocios Globales: No debemos temer por la economía de nuestro país: El Libertador  /  Opinión No debemos temer por la economía de nuestro país  Bernardo Javalquinto |  Fecha de Edición: 12-12-2013 ...

No debemos temer por la economía de nuestro país

No debemos temer por la economía de nuestro país

 Bernardo Javalquinto | Fecha de Edición: 12-12-2013

En el último Informe del EIU de la prestigiada revista que leen los lideres, las personas más importantes e inteligentes del mundo, “The Economist” (ver en:, resume en breve “que la expresidenta Michelle Bachelet, de la Nueva Mayoría, ganó la primera vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales el 17 de noviembre, y se espera que gane la segunda vuelta el 15 de diciembre”. 

Muchos especulan que su plataforma se ha desplazado a la izquierda, aunque la EIU dice “creemos que va a seguir políticas mayormente moderadas”, retomando las políticas monetarias y fiscales aplicadas en los gobiernos anteriores. El crecimiento del PIB se mantendrá a la alza en el torno anual de un 4,8% durante el ejercicio 2013-17. La inflación se mantendrá dentro del rango objetivo de 2-4%. Sin embargo, el déficit de la cuenta corriente será más amplio que en años anteriores.

La transición a un nuevo gobierno en marzo de 2014 dominará la política en el corto plazo y The Economist Intelligence Unit espera que la expresidenta Michelle Bachelet, gane las elecciones. Aunque su plataforma se ha movido hacia la izquierda, y se espera que va a seguir políticas principalmente moderadas, el PIB crecerá impulsado por el consumo privado y la inversión. 

Chile va a mantener unas finanzas públicas saneadas, pero la política será más expansiva bajo un gobierno de Bachelet, debido a un mayor gasto social especialmente en la educación y salud que son sus prioridades, también el EIU dice “que sostendrá un déficit fiscal en el mediano plazo”. En términos reales, el peso se debilitará después de varios años de apreciación.  Dependiendo de la nueva capacidad del cobre. 

Los cambios principales desde el mes pasado, y la perspectiva política, en encuestas recientes muestran votantes en contra de Bachelet sobre su rival más cercano, Evelyn Matthei, centroderechista, la EIU cree que Michelle Bachelet tiene una buena oportunidad de ganar. Chile seguirá siendo el país mejor clasificado en América Latina en términos del clima de negocios. Sus puntos fuertes incluyen una economía de muchos años a pesar del cambio que trató de realizar el mandatario actual. Su futuro y el buen funcionamiento de los mercados, el régimen de inversión extranjera abierta, sólida posición fiscal, los mercados de capitales sofisticados y la más extensa red mundial de acuerdos de libre comercio (TLC) implementados en los gobiernos anteriores, ayudará a Chile a atraer más inversión extranjera, diversificar su economía y compensar el reducido tamaño de su mercado. 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Economia y Negocios Globales: Crisis de la cultura financiera

Economia y Negocios Globales: Crisis de la cultura financiera: El Libertador  /  Opinión Crisis de la cultura financiera  Bernardo Javalquinto |  Fecha de Edición: 05-12-2013 En el ultimo...

Crisis de la cultura financiera

Crisis de la cultura financiera

 Bernardo Javalquinto | Fecha de Edición: 05-12-2013

En el ultimo informe del Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) UK de la revista The Economist, patrocinado por el CFA Institute de EEUU, destaca “la valoración de la ética y el conocimiento de los servicios financieros”. En este informe del EIU, examina el papel de la ética en los servicios financieros y considera por qué el fraude y los abusos a los clientes va en aumento.

La pregunta que se hacen es si un buen servicio es incrementar en sólidos retornos financieros a los clientes, al banco o a los accionistas… ¿A quién? Los accionistas legitimarán que a ellos se les debe asegurar una alta rentabilidad, la gerencia a ellos y los clientes son protegidos ante la ley y por el CFA Institute. A juicio del informe el cliente siempre es el que trae más dinero si se siente feliz y recompensado.

El análisis examina el papel de la integridad y el conocimiento de los accionistas y en la restauración los usuarios finales de la cultura de confianza que existía en la industria de servicios financieros. Gracias a este informe se examina en detalle el papel de la integridad (ética) y el conocimiento en la restauración de la cultura en la industria de servicios financieros y en la construcción de una industria más creíble para todos.

¿Pero por qué leer este informe? (Está en internet para todos los que quieran ser consumidores informados). El informe esta basado en que los ejecutivos de la industria defienden la importancia de un comportamiento ético, pero luchan para ver los beneficios de una mayor adherencia a los estándares éticos. Aunque una gran mayoría está de acuerdo en que la conducta ética es tan importante como el éxito financiero en su empresa, el 53 por ciento dice que el estricto cumplimiento de estos códigos, haría progresión de la carrera difícil porque si no es aplicada con rigor, como lo es en los países desarrollados, los ejecutivos tienen pena de cárcel.

También, la mayoría de las empresas ha tratado de mejorar la adherencia a las normas éticas. Las instituciones globales, como Barclays, Goldman Sachs, han puesto en marcha programas de alto perfil que hacen hincapié en el cuidado del cliente y el comportamiento ético. Es de recordar que tuvieron mucho que ver con la crisis “subprime”. 

El estudio encontró que casi todas las empresas han tomado medidas para mejorar el cumplimiento de las normas éticas. Para llegar a ser más solidos y creíbles, los servicios financieros tienen que abordar los vacíos de conocimiento. Tres quintas partes creen que estos vacíos en el conocimiento de los empleados representan un riesgo importante para su empresa. Asimismo, un número de empresas, incluidos los entrevistados para este informe, se están reuniendo para investigar las decisiones importantes en relación con el futuro de la empresa y garantizar una cultura y un enfoque coherente de riesgo. El reto para las empresas en nuestros países es la de formar alianzas en garantizar que los bancos estén a cargo de expertos que realmente saben todo lo que se hace ética y moralmente.